What happened to Haven Hughes and Chris Scott of KARK? Tributes pour in as Little Rock station faces

Popular news station KARK witnessed the loss of its two members separately that included reporter Haven Hughes and producer Chris Scott. The former was 22 years old at the time of her death, while the latter was 46.

Hughes met with an accident on her motorcycle on January 16 and was discovered dead near 9400 Stagecoach Road along with Mark Hudson, who was riding the motorcycle when it crashed into another vehicle. Hudson, along with the driver of the other vehicle, were taken to the hospital. Chris Scott died the next day following complications resulting from an unknown illness.

Little Rock Mayor Frank Scott observed a moment of silence in honor of Haven on January 17. The news station also paid tribute to her on Twitter, writing that she was was the highlight wherever she went and worked. It further wrote that she was adept at doing what she did and had the opportunity to do so in her hometown.

It concluded by stating:

“Haven, we love you, we will miss you and we are all better for having had the chance to know you.”

KARK also expressed its grief over Scott’s death and wrote that he never appeared on-screen but planned everything that had to be shown to the audience. It described him as soft-spoken, adding that everyone loved having a conversation with him. The organization continued:

“We send our sincere condolences to his mom Cindy, his sister Robin and his entire family. We are praying for your strength and courage, and make no mistake, we will miss him dearly.”

Netizens pay tribute to KARK's Haven Hughes and Chris Scott on Twitter after their sad demise

Haven Hughes and Chris Scott gained recognition all these years for their work as a reporter and producer respectively. Twitter was flooded with tributes as soon as people heard about their demise. Check out some of these tweets below:

Everything known about Haven Hughes and Chris Scott

Born in Little Rock, Arkansas, Haven Hughes reported news of various events. While pursuing her graduation from Henderson State University in Arkadelphia, she was a member of the POM squad and won an award for her on-air personality. She also received a grant for a collaboration with NASA.

The deceased was the co-host of the College Media Association Awards during that time. Hughes previously worked on Henderson Television as an anchor and was a member of the Reddie Media Group and the panhellenic sorority Alpha Xi Delta. She recently joined as a general assignment reporter at KARK in August 2022.

Haven Hughes worked as a reporter in her hometown (Image via KevinOlivasMedi/Twitter)

Chris Scott finished his graduation from Catholic High School in Little Rock and was reportedly close to his nephews.

He first joined the sports segment on television but soon changed to news, and was a big fan and follower of the Razorbacks and St. Louis Cardinals.

A former colleague at KATV, Steven Sullivan, said that Scott struggled with diabetes for around 20 years but never complained even when he ever felt weak. Additional information about Chris Scott’s life is not available at the moment.

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