Technology-Organization-Environment Framework - TheoryHub - Academic theories reviews for research a

Technology-Organization-Environment Framework

The Technology-Organization-Environment (TOE) framework is a theoretical framework that was developed in the field of information systems to explain how the adoption and use of new technologies are influenced by various factors, including the characteristics of the technology itself, the organizational context in which it is used, and the external environment in which the organization operates. The framework has been widely used in research on technology adoption and implementation in organizations, and it has proven to be a valuable tool for understanding the complex interplay between technology, organization, and environment.

The TOE framework consists of three main components: technology, organization, and environment. Technology refers to the characteristics of the technology itself, including its functionality, complexity, compatibility with existing systems, and ease of use. Organization refers to the internal context in which the technology is used, including factors such as the organization's size, structure, culture, and resources. Environment refers to the external context in which the organization operates, including factors such as market conditions, regulatory requirements, and social and cultural norms.

One of the strengths of the TOE framework is that it provides a holistic perspective on technology adoption and implementation. Rather than focusing solely on the technology itself or the organizational context, the framework recognizes that both internal and external factors are important in shaping technology adoption and use. This allows researchers to take a more nuanced approach to studying technology adoption, and it helps organizations to better understand the complex interplay of factors that influence their technology decisions.

Another strength of the TOE framework is its flexibility. The framework can be applied to a wide range of technologies and organizational contexts, making it a useful tool for researchers and practitioners in a variety of fields. Additionally, the framework can be adapted to different research methods, including qualitative and quantitative approaches.

However, there are also some limitations to the TOE framework. One limitation is that it may be overly broad and general, making it difficult to apply in specific contexts. Additionally, the framework may not fully capture the complexity of technology adoption and implementation, particularly in rapidly changing environments where external factors can have a significant impact on technology decisions.
