Alyssa Dayvault, 32, a resident of North Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, was found guilty of murdering her two new-born babies and discarding their bodies in trash bags 13 months apart from each other.
Despite not appearing in court for her trial in October 2020, a jury found the YouTuber guilty of two charges of homicide by child abuse and sentenced to 40 years in prison without the possibility of parole.
According to reports, Dayvault concealed her pregnancy from everyone, including her then-boyfriend and her mother, and gave birth alone at her North Myrtle Beach home in 2017 and 2018.
Evil Lives Here on ID is slated to revisit Alyssa Dayvault's crimes in an episode titled She Should Be Left to Die, which airs this Friday, December 23, 2022, at 7 pm ET.
The synopsis states:
"When the police tell Chris Matechen his girlfriend, Alyssa Dayvault, has confessed, he doesn't want to believe it because it means admitting that he fell for her lies and spent years being blind to the horrific things she did right under his nose."Alyssa Dayvault secretly gave birth to two babies months apart and dumped them in the trash
Authorities did not consider looking into YouTube beauty blogger Alyssa Dayvault's case until she was admitted to a hospital days after giving birth in 2018 because of an infection that spread from a tear inflicted by her delivery. Doctors found an unborn placenta in her uterus after giving her a blood transfusion, and when she was unable to explain the situation, the hospital alerted the authorities.
According to reports, Alyssa originally denied being pregnant but then accepted it after being confronted with medical proof. She also admitted to giving birth twice in secret at home and dumping both babies in a trash can. Alyssa admitted that she kept her pregnancies a secret from both her mother and her longterm boyfriend.
Dayvault reportedly confessed to her crimes when questioned by authorities at the hospital. She claimed that she passed out from the pain while giving birth, and after regaining consciousness, found the newborn lifeless and decided to discard the baby in the trash.
According to reports, Dayvault also admitted to previously giving birth to a girl in November 2017, and subsequently throwing the baby's remains away, alleging that the baby came out with her umbilical cord still wrapped around her neck. Even then, she concealed her pregnancy, and since there were no complications after the birth, nobody found out about it.
Alyssa Dayvault's pregnancies were only revealed after she went to a medical center to get an infection treated
After the second delivery, Alyssa Dayvault allegedly experienced life-threatening conditions, which drove her to seek medical help, where the pregnancies were revealed. Authorities alleged that there was no evidence that she strangled or suffocated the babies.
A pathologist testified, however, that the infant boy appeared to have released meconium, or faecal matter, into the garbage bag. They claimed that this demonstrated that the baby was still breathing at the time the bag was sealed, severing his oxygen supply.
Alyssa received a bail in May 2019, and did not appear for her trial in October 2020. She was tried in absentia despite this and found guilty on two counts of homicide by child abuse. She reportedly turned herself in more than a day after the conviction and received two consecutive sentences of 40 years in prison without the possibility of parole in November 2020.
ID's Evil Lives Here airs Alyssa Dayvault's case this Friday, December 23.
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