Sumner Redstone's ex-girlfriend Manuela Herzer 'going to war with his family'

The ex-girlfriend of Sumner Redstone may be gearing up to go to war with his family after the billionaire had her kicked out of his life - almost 20 years after the pair first split.

Manuela Herzer, 51, was banned from Redstone's Beverly Park mansion last month for reasons that remain unclear, and she is now arguing that the media mogul is not of sound mind.

At the same Redstone had Herzer removed began getting closer to his estranged family, with whom he has long had a tumultuous relationship.  

His family has also now taken over his care, a task previously handled by Herzer. 

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Sumner Redstone's ex-girlfriend Manuela Herzer (above with Redstone and Robert Evans in 2012) may go to war with his family after being removed from his life

Sumner Redstone's ex-girlfriend Manuela Herzer (above with Redstone and Robert Evans in 2012) may go to war with his family after being removed from his life

Herzer, 51, had previously been in charge of the 92-year-old's care, but now his family is doing that led by his oldest daughter Shari (above in 2012)

Herzer, 51, had previously been in charge of the 92-year-old's care, but now his family is doing that led by his oldest daughter Shari (above in 2012)

An associate close to Herzer claims that Redstone (above with megan Fox in 2014) is in a 'twilight mentality,' and was not of sound mind when he had her kicked out

An associate close to Herzer claims that Redstone (above with megan Fox in 2014) is in a 'twilight mentality,' and was not of sound mind when he had her kicked out

'It is now clear to the person who is closest to [Redstone] that, sadly, he is in twilight mentally,' an associate of Herzer told The Hollywood Reporter

That individual also claims that Redstone 'clearly expressed multiple times that he wanted [Herzer] to be his protector and caregiver.'

Restone's lawyer Gabrielle Vidal responded to this claim by saying; 'Only Ms. Herzer would interpret Mr. Redstone's decision to evict her from his home as evidence of diminished capacity. 

'This has nothing to do with Ms. Herzer's concern for Sumner Redstone and everything to do with her concern for her own financial agenda. The notion that Mr. Redstone requires her oversight is absurd.'

His oldest daughter Shari also released a statement, writing; 'Family members have been there in person or have checked in by phone every day since they have been permitted access to Sumner and his home. 

Herzer was removed from his life six weeks after Redstone split with his girlfriend of four years, 44-year-old Sydney Holland (above with Herzer in 2014)

Herzer was removed from his life six weeks after Redstone split with his girlfriend of four years, 44-year-old Sydney Holland (above with Herzer in 2014)

'Beyond that, we believe everyone will see the situation for exactly what it is, so no further response is necessary.'

Herzer's associate said that she is only doing this to look out for her friend.

'Manuela's only concern is Sumner's health and safety. He's been kind and generous to her. She has been unflaggingly loyal to him,' he said. 

'She just cares about Sumner. I know that's hard to believe.' 

Herzer began dating the Viacom and CBS CEO - who is worth an estimated $6.4billion - in the 90s, and remained a close friend and confidante after the two split, moving to a house just down the street from him.

Six weeks prior to their 'split,' Redstone had kicked out his live-in lover of four years Sydney Holland, 44, after learning she was having an affair. 

Vanity Fair spoke with a source who said at the time: 'All of a sudden on Monday there were a bunch of lawyers and house staff standing around, and she walked back in the house and it was communicated to her that Sumner doesn’t want her there anymore.' 

The source then added that Herzer was shocked when she got the news, and quickly grew concerned as to who would care for Redstone.

'She doesn’t know why she’s not there anymore, and there’s no one around. No family. Nobody responsible. There’s a driver and a nurse supposedly running the show,' they said.

Redstone's daughter Shari disputed these claims however, and said there is nothing to worry about.

'Two of Shari’s three children [Brandon and Tyler Korff] visited Sumner immediately; the third [Kimberlee Korff] called from the East Coast and is seeing him next week,' said Shari's spokesperson Nancy Sterling.

'Shari also flew out to see her father [last Wednesday] and everyone was excited to be able to spend time together again as a family.'

In an interview with Vanity Fair earlier this year, Herzer said of meeting Redstone: 'I was so enamored. I could do no wrong. He was just for me the greatest thing since sliced bread. There was no age at that point.'

She then added; 'This is the nicest guy I’ve ever met... I felt a connection to him that was really like - I can’t explain. It was this chemistry.' 

Redstone meanwhile said of Herzer: 'I have known Manuela for over 20 years. She and her children are family to me. Her house in LA is five minutes away from my house and I get to see her frequently. Manuela is one of the smartest women I have ever met.'

Herzer's teenage daughter Kathrine currently stars on the show Madam Secretary - which airs on CBS.


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Holland (above in 2014) was told to vacate Redstone's home in late August after the two had been dating for years

Holland (above in 2014) was told to vacate Redstone's home in late August after the two had been dating for years

The sudden departure of Herzer echoed what happened last month to Holland, with whom Herzer was incredibly close. 

The Hollywood Reporter spoke with Holland's attorney Brad Rose at the time who said: 'Sydney Holland and Sumner Redstone have had a caring and wonderful relationship for over five years. 

'While Sydney would have liked the relationship to have lasted for many more years to come, relationships are dynamic and ever-changing and for a whole host of circumstances, the couple has parted ways.'

He then added: 'While rumor and innuendo will undoubtedly surface as a consequence of this breakup, at this time, Ms. Holland is very upset and has no further comment.' 

Shortly after, 49-year-old actor George Pilgrim came forward saying he had been having a relationship with Holland in an interview with Vanity Fair

Tim Jensen (above) claimed that Holland had him withdraw over $1million while he worked for Redstone which he then gave to a handful of women

Tim Jensen (above) claimed that Holland had him withdraw over $1million while he worked for Redstone which he then gave to a handful of women

He claimed she would fly down to where he lived in Arizona and spend the day with him, but always fly back on her private jet and never spent the night. 

Redstone was last seen in public at a birthday party thrown for him in May by Holland and Herzer at a restaurant in Bel Air.

Many in the industry had grown concerned over the past few years about the power Holland and Herzer have over the aging billionaire, especially after Redstone's former driver wrote a piece for The Hollywood Reporter in May detailing his work duties.

Tim Jensen claimed that Holland had him withdraw over $1million while he worked for Redstone between 2011 and 2012 which he then gave to a handful of women. 

In April 2011, he also claimed he took Redstone and Holland to dinner and learned the businessman had set up a trust fund in her name.

'It had become pretty clear... that Holland had aligned herself with Redstone and was reaping significant financial benefits,' he wrote.

'I had heard various rumors about Holland from people on staff and learned that she had been known as Sydney Stanger and was the co-founder of The Inner Circle, a VIP social club that advertised matchmaking services.' 

He added: 'Within my first year, I witnessed how Holland utilized Redstone's wealth. She asked him to donate money to several charities in her name. 

Redstone also said he was financing her Rich Hippie Productions, which Holland said would be a full-scale film and production company.

'By the end of 2011, Holland appeared to me to have taken charge of Redstone's personal life, and many of us working at the house felt that she had gained significant decision-making power.

'My days at work would start with text messages or phone calls with instructions - not from Redstone or a staff member but from Holland - as to what my responsibilities for the day would be. I was still driving Redstone to events and dinners in the Paramount car. 

'But now I was spending much more time doing things at Holland's direction that, in my experience, are not the usual tasks of a studio executive driver's job.' 

Jensen said the relationship between him and Holland began to sour and he was let go in 2012, but refused to accept the $36,000 he would be paid to sign a non-disclosure agreement.

Around the same time Jensen detailed his time working for Redstone, the New York Post claimed to have found an email between Holland and a former attorney in which she was allegedly told she was 'good for between $9million and $10million' because of her relationship with Redstone. 

George Pilgrim (above) alleged last month that he had been having a lengthy relationship with Holland

George Pilgrim (above) alleged last month that he had been having a lengthy relationship with Holland

Herzer said in her Vanity Fair interview that she would be shocked if Holland was not in Redstone's will.

'I mean, five years of your life with a man every single day like that. I have to tell you, would she be there if he wasn’t doing something for her? Probably not. But does she love him? Absolutely. I don’t have a doubt in my mind,' said Herzer. 

'For her it’s a job almost, it’s a job.

'I know it’s hard to believe, because I’ll tell you why. Because up to now she’s had a great life. She has a great life. She lives in a beautiful mansion. She has beautiful things.'

There is also the question of Alexandra Red, the baby girl Holland adopted while she was dating Redstone.

Though at the time a Viacom rep said that Redstone had nothing to do with the child, a source told the New York Daily News: 'They cut the last name on purpose so the media doesn’t find out. They are not telling anyone.'

Redstone was married twice before his relationship to Holland, first to Phyllis Gloria Raphael from 1944 to 1999 and later to Paula Fortunato from 2002 to 2009.

Fortunato, who is 39 years younger than Redstone, received $5million - $1million for every year the couple was married.

His first wife meanwhile walked away with an undisclosed amount of money while also securing stocks for her grandchildren and that the couple's daughter Shari would assume her father's business role upon his death according to the Los Angeles Times.
