Sam Smith flaunts trim torso in shirtless photos showing off 50-pound weight loss

The pop star flashed his chiseled torso as he posted shirtless photos of himself, showing his huge weight loss.

Sam Smith is proud to show off his hard work when he shared photos of himself on Instagram where he was shirtless while taking a vacation with friends. He looked hot and healthy. AmoMama gleaned more info from Inquisitr.

In the course of four years, Sam has done changes with his diet and workout routine and is now in the best shape of his life. The result of those years was clearly shown on the snaps he shared on social media. In the caption, he wrote:

“Had such a wonderful today. Swimming, tennis, food and writing music. Recharging slowly.”

The singer revealed that his weight loss was a product of a low-carb Paleo-style diet and weightlifting workouts.

The Paleo diet, which is also called the caveman, primal, or Stone Age diet, is more focused on high-quality animal proteins, healthy fats, and non-starchy vegetables. It excludes sugar, dairy, gluten, legumes, alcohol, and processed foods.

In an interview with Entertainment Tonight, he disclosed that it had not been easy.

“It’s very, very difficult [to stay in shape]. I love food so much, so it’s a constant battle. It’s always going to be a battle but I’m trying my best.”

When Sam first lost weight, it shocked a lot of people and speculations circulated that he became too skinny because he had anorexia. But he clarified the rumors and conveyed that he had actually become healthy because he was eating less and has been working out.

In a post on Instagram back in August 2015, which has been deleted, he wrote:

“I know this is very preachy, but if you can, try to find a way to be healthy. It will make you so much happier. I’ve just not eaten like a pig anymore.”

The 25-year-old’s weight was a constant struggle throughout his life and admitted that he had always been insecure about his body. He used to a couch potato but took small steps by being more active every day and exercising through lifting weights at the gym.
