Brad Pitt Thinks Angelina Jolie Made Their Kids Hate Him (LMAO)

Last month, a newly unveiled post by young adult Pax Jolie-Pit showed this young man condemning dad Brad Pitt as an “awful human being.”

The courageous post had always been private, but seems to have only recently leaked.

Pax is far from the first of the former couple’s children to distance himself from Pitt.

A new report says that the washed up actor believes that Angelina Jolie, and not his own inexcusable actions, has turned the children against him.

20-year-old Pax Jolie-Pitt just celebrated his birthday last week.

Nearly three-and-a-half years ago, this bright young man was 16 years old.

At that time, on his private Instagram — the one that he uses for trusted friends from school — Pax made his feelings clear about estranged father Brad Pitt.

“Happy Father’s Day to this world class a-hole!!” Pax began.

He wrote: “You time and time again prove yourself to be a terrible and despicable person.”

Impassioned, Pax emphasized: “You have made the lives of those closest to me a constant hell. You may tell yourself and the world whatever you want, but the truth will come to light someday.”

We understand that those unfamiliar with the details of the Brangelina divorce may have questions about why Pax called him a “f–king awful human being.” PR strategists have likely worked hard to distract from that story.

Additionally, people lucky enough to have had good fathers might recoil, unable to imagine Pax’s sentiment.

It’s best to remember that, to some, the idea of having a loving father around whom you feel safe is almost impossible to imagine. People have different life experiences. Sometimes, that’s beautiful. Other times, it’s profoundly sad.

An alleged inside source now tells In Touch Weekly that Pax’s courageous message “cut Brad to the bone.”

Notably, it is hardly a first.

Maddox famously wants nothing to do with Pitt. And eldest daugther Zahara recently dropped his last name. Friends know her as “Zahara Marley Jolie.”

According to the report, Pitt believes that his ex-wife is aiming to destroy him. And this (ridiculous) insider is clearly Team Brad.

“Brad will never underestimate the power of Angelina’s devious nature,” the insider insisted.

“Brad suspects Pax would not have posted that without Angie’s knowledge and consent,” the source claimed. “It seems she’s trying to turn the kids against him — and has been successful in the case of the older kids.”

In 2016, a seemingly normal private plane ride ended with a divorce filing and a report to law enforcement.

Details did not emerge until years later — after ages of an uncritical public consuming a steady drip of narratives that Jolie was cruelly keeping the children from Pitt.

Legal documents from the Miraval lawsuit describe Pitt has having attacked Jolie and “choked one of the children and struck another in the face” during the flight. And yet we’re to believe that it was Jolie who caused the children to dislike him?

“He did everything he could to rectify the situation,” the insider insisted.

The source added: “He reached out to his kids to formally apologize, he stopped drinking and smoking marijuana and attended AA meetings.”

It sounds like he has taken to improve his life and reduce the danger that he might pose to others. But, obviously, he cannot undo what he has already done.

Long story short, the inside source says that Jolie’s efforts to protect the children from further danger have enraged Pitt.

He reportedly feels “convinced she’s stringing this along until the twins are of legal age.”

“Brad would’ve liked to be a better parent and to be present in all his kids’ lives,” the insider added. We’re sure that they’d all be happier if he had been.

But this report suggests that he blames Jolie, and not himself.

“But Angie has thwarted every attempt,” the source whined. “He’s hoping Zahara and her siblings get a chance to make up their own minds about him and see him for who he is.”

It sounds like they already have.
