Who is Evelyn McGee-Colbert, Stephen Colberts wife? Bio, age, children, wedding, movies

Evelyn McGee-Colbert is an actress who has been married for thirty to Stephen Tyrone Colbert who is an American comedian, writer, producer, political commentator, actor, and television host.

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Evelyn McGee-Colbert Bio, age

Evelyn McGee-Colbert is 60 years of age and was born on July 23, 1963, in Charleston, South Carolina, USA. She holds an American nationality and belongs to a white origin. She is the daughter of Joseph McGee.

Evelyn McGee-Colbert children

Evelyn McGee-Colbert is a mother of three, two sons and a daughter. Her children are Peter Colbert, Madeline Colbert, and John Colbert.

Evelyn McGee-Colbert wedding

Evelyn McGee-Colbert has been married to her husband Stephen Colbert since October 9, 1993, and the two have been together for 30 years now.

They met at the world premiere of Hydrogen Jukebox at the Spoleto Festival USA in Charleston. Colbert later described the first moment he met Evie as being a love-at-first-sight encounter. Moments after they met though, they realized they had grown up together in Charleston and had many mutual friends.

Evelyn McGee-Colbert movies

Evelyn McGee-Colbert is an actress and producer, known for The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug in 2013, and Strangers with Candy in 2005.

Source: Ghanafuo.com
