Meet Alena Analeigh Wicker Parents As The 13-Year-Old With 145 IQ Gets Accepted To Medical School

Who Are Alena Wicker’s Parents?

Alena Wicker comes from a black family, the name of her mother is Daphne McQuartar. Alena is very close to her mother. 

Details about Alena Wicker’s mother are public whereas details about her father are kept private.

Even his name is not publicly known. So, it seems like she was raised by Daphne as a single mother.

Alena through her Instagram handle, thanked her mother for the sacrifice her mother made to make Wicker’s Dream and goals possible.

This post showed how much Alena Wicker loved her mother and is grateful to her mother Daphne. 

What Is Alena Wicker’s IQ Level?

This genius young kid has an IQ level of 145. People with an IQ level of 145 are considered to be highly gifted. 

Looking into the achievements that Alena has earned it is obvious that Alena is a special kid. 

Wicker is very passionate about her dream and goals. Alena has put in great efforts to be where she is now. 

Alena had a dream to work for NASA and her mother wanted her to achieve it. 

Alena is the youngest intern to work at the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. This is a great success considering her age and background.

Alena has great dreams. And looking at each milestone she has already achieved it is very likely she will achieve all her dreams. 

Alena Wicker’s Medical School Acceptance And Medical Background

When Alena was 3, her mother knew her child was gifted. Alena at age of 3 started reading chapter books. 

Alena has completed her high school with two different degrees. Alena was very good at studies from an early age, In an interview, she shared she used to get bullied for being intelligent.

Wicker added she used to be called smartypants by boys at her school.

Because of this, her mother gave early schooling to Alena at Home and later Wicker joined formal schooling in grade 5. 

Alena completed her high school with two separate degrees at the age of 12. 

Currently, Wicker is enrolled in two undergraduate programs in two separate universities, Alabama and Arizona. 

Alena is an extraordinary student but she has more interest in STEM. Which stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Maths.

Alena Wicker is expecting to complete her undergraduate by age of 18 when most students start their undergraduate studies. 

While she announced her getting into medical college Wicker shared how hard it was and how much hard work Alena put in to achieve her dreams and goals.

Alena through her Instagram handle, Wicker announced news of her getting into medical school.

Alena goes by thebrownstemgirl on Instagram. 

Wicker in her post said that she is grateful, last year she graduated high school, and today she has been accepted to Med School at 13.

Alena added according to statistics she would never make it as A black girl who was adopted from Fontana. 

Alena used this post to share how grateful and thankful, Wicker is to her mother who made it possible. 

Wicker didn’t even mention her father but Alena did add that she was adopted from Fontana California. This young genius kid added she couldn’t have achieved what she has if it was not her mother who made it possible. 

Wicker added how her mother used to comfort her, in her journey of being the youngest black kid to get into medical college. 

WIcker also appreciated the sacrifice her mother made to build Wickers’s dreams. 
