Where is Lloyd Neurauter now? Whereabouts explored ahead of Dateline: Secrets Uncovered on Oxygen

Lloyd Neurauter brainwashed one of his three daughters into helping him in committing his ex-wife, Michele Neurauter's murder, and then staging the crime scene to make it appear like suicide. The incident occurred after Lloyd lost a custody battle over their youngest and was asked to pay child support and alimony. He was knee-deep in debt and wanted to avoid paying child support.

The daughter Karrie confessed that she drove her father to Michele's Corning, New York, house where he strangled the 46-year-old before they both staged the scene. Her body was found the following day in a state that suggested suicide. They were arrested following months of investigation using wiretapped phone calls and DNA evidence.

Karrie said Lloyd gave her an ultimatum to choose between him and their mother. She first accepted a plea deal in March 2018 and was sentenced one-to-three years in prison, but has since been released on parole.

According to Oxygen, Lloyd Neurauter also pleaded guilty and was handed life without parole. He is currently at the Clinton Correctional Facility in Dannemora, New York.

An upcoming episode of Dateline: Secrets Uncovered revisits Michele Neurauter murder this Tuesday, May 23. The episode titled The Ultimatum will air at 8:00 pm ET.

Here's a look at the synopsis:

"Michele and Lloyd Neurauter are devoted to their three daughters, even after their divorce; when Michele is found dead in her home, police suspect she killed herself; then, they uncover a deadly betrayal too twisted to be true -- except it is true."

Lloyd Neurauter and daughter Karrie were implicated in his ex-wife's murder using wiretapped calls and DNA

In phone calls wiretapped by investigators, Lloyd Neurauter was heard instructing his second daughter and accomplice Karrie Neurauter on how to evade police inquiries concerning the murder of his former wife, Michele Neurauter, who was found dead in her Corning, New York, home on August 28, 2017, from an apparent suicide.

The father-daughter duo were suspects in the case and were reportedly heard plotting. In those calls, Lloyd instructed 19-year-old Karrie to "tell them 'I'm sorry, I've got a counseling appointment back in New Jersey tonight, I've gotta get to my counseling appointment" if authorities were to question the teen about her mother's death.

The father-of-three asked her to "tell them this has been really hard on you" further adding laughing and asking her if she could cry to which Karrie replied that she might. In one of those recorded conversations, Lloyd was heard telling his daughter that she "can cry and say 'I'm sorry I have to go,'" and how nice it would be "if it was then just over."

Lloyd Neurauter and his daughter were already embroiled in the investigation of Michele's strangulation death. They were ultimately apprehended months later in January. Authorities stated that the evidence they acquired during the investigation, including DNA from the victim's body, was "nothing short of overwhelming."

According to People, a Steuben County District Attorney's Office news release stated that Karrie informed authorities how Lloyd, prior to the murder, gave her an ultimatum. He reportedly told her she could "either assist him in killing her mother, to free him from the financial burden of child support and alimony, and give him custody of his youngest child - or he would kill himself."

Where are Lloyd Neurauter and his daughter Karrie now?

Lloyd Neurauter confessed to manipulating Karrie to participated in the murder following a five-year custody battle with Michele for custody of their 14-year-old daughter. He also stated that he did not want to pay Michele as part of their divorce settlement.

Karrie said that on the day of Michele's death, she drove her father to and from the victim's house. She allegedly distracted her little sister while her father strangled their mother upstairs. The duo then staged the crime scene to make it seem like a suicide.

According to reports, Karrie entered a plea in March and confessed to assisting her father kill her mother so he could avoid paying child support. Karrie eventually also agreed to testify against her father, whom she accused of plotting the crime. She pleaded guilty to a lesser charge of manslaughter and was sentenced to one to three years in prison.

On the other hand, Lloyd pleaded guilty to first-degree murder, custodial interference, and second-degree conspiracy in October, two weeks before his trial, and was sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole.

Reports state that Karrie was released from prison on parole from Albion Correctional Facility on January 16, 2020. Meanwhile, Lloyd Neurauter continues to serve his sentence at the Clinton Correctional Facility in Dannemora, New York.

Learn more about the case on Oxygen's Dateline: Secrets Uncovered this Tuesday at 8 pm ET.

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