Softball Player Lindy Ward Dies in Tragic Car Accident

Lindy Ward, a 16-year-old North Delta School student, reportedly died following an accident on Saturday, September 23.

While the circumstances surrounding the crash are unknown, people closest to the victim took to social media and revealed that the 16-year-old talented softball player was involved in an accident after a game over the weekend.

According to Lindy Ward’s obit, the 16-year-old, who was a junior at North Delta School, died after succumbing to her injuries sustained in an accident near Crowder in Batesville, Mississippi.

On the heels of the tragedy, several people took to social media to mourn the loss of the teen, who was beloved in the community.

The Batesville community is mourning the tragic death of 16-year-old North Delta School student Lindy Ward, who died in an accident on Saturday, September 23. While the details surrounding the crash are unclear, Ward’s softball coach said that the girl died following a game on Saturday.

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