Does Will Smith have cancer? Colonoscopy explained

Will Smith aside being a mega superstar in Hollywood has a had a lot to deal with health wise.

In one of his Youtube videos, he was seen embarking on a colonoscopy visit to a doctor and this later turned out to be a timely-health inspection.

Will Smith health: Does Will Smith have cancer?

As a consequence of Will’s diagnosis, Smith’s doctor urged him to get another screening within the following two to three years.

The standard ten years recommended when patients have a normal colonoscopy.

Can you have a normal colonoscopy and still have cancer?

Dr. Stanford, Will Smith’s doctor revealed recently that the sort of polyp that was found in the majority of Smith’s colon causes 95 percent of colon cancers.

All tubular adenomas are composed of cells that develop in an aberrant way known as dysplasia.

Hence an individual can have a normal colonoscopy and still have the cancer disease if not checked properly or frequently.
