John Silos Motorcyce Accident: Canberra, Australia Resident, John Silos Dies in Tragic Motorcycle Ac

John Silos Motorcyce Accident: Canberra, Australia Resident, John Silos Dies in Tragic Motorcycle Accident

John Silos Motorcycle Accident: On December 15, 2023, my younger brother John Silos of Canberra, Australia, passed away unexpectedly as a result of an accident involving a motorcycle. It is difficult for me to realize that he is no longer here. I am requesting that everyone pray for his wife and girls, that they may have the fortitude to maintain their strength and that they may find peace while they are dealing with this situation.

My brother, We are no longer in contact with one another, but I continue to think about you and know that I have always prayed for the best future for you and your family. Because I knew you to be a very determined and strong person who always wants to be good for your family, I never worried about you. As a result, I never worried about you.

You have arrived at Planet Heaven, where you are experiencing God’s love, hope, and joy without conditions, and you are also witnessing the most beautiful light and colors you have ever seen on earth. There will be no pain, and you will only experience love. You will feel like a whole different person. We are going to miss you very much, brother.
