Dead Island 2 Missing: Fool's Gold Lost And Found Quest

Here is how you complete the Fool's Gold Lost and Found Mission in Dead Island 2.

First Published April 28, 2023, 10:25

With Dead Island 2 being released, there are a lot of people who are playing the game and checking out everything the game has to offer. From doing the story missions to crafting weapons to killing zombies, this game is packed with a lot of content inside of it. There are a lot of hidden missions in Dead Island 2 as well.

For example, players can take part in multiple Lost and Found missions in the game. The lost and found missions will have you searching Hell-A for missing people, items, and so much more. It is usually worth your time to complete them, especially the Fool's Gold mission. Here, we will walk you through the Missing: Fool's Gold Lost and Found mission in Dead Island 2.

How To Find The Fool's Gold In Dead Island 2

To start the Missing: Fool's Gold mission in Dead Island 2, you will need to kill a Crusher named Dante. Dante can be found in the pier area and he is relatively easy to take out since he is alone. Once you do that, he will drop a note. Pick up that note and the mission will begin. From there, you will need to go through Dante's locker in the gym.

Once you do that, you will get hints to find the other pieces of data to find the treasure. The next item you are looking for is a bench at the pier facing the water. Pick that up and then head to the pizzeria. Go behind the pizzeria and you will find another file. From there, go to the lifeguard headquarters and kill all of the zombies at that location.

What Are The Rewards For Finding The Fool's Gold In Dead Island 2?

There are a lot of zombies behind the lifeguard headquarters but you will need to kill them all before you can dig up the treasure. Once you do, you will be prompted to dig into the treasure chest. It is buried in the sand and you can see it peeking out a little bit. The safe is black so keep your eye out to find it.

Once you find it, you will be able to access the treasure. In the treasure chest, you will find the Infectious Blood Rage Legendary weapon. It is a knife that causes bleeding and it is very powerful. If you are interested in collecting all legendary weapons, you will need to complete the Fool's Gold mission.

Check out this video walkthrough of the mission by PowerPyx on YouTube for additional help.

Daniel Borjas
