Bishop Noel Jones Addressed LisaRaye McCoy Dating Rumors

Noel Jones, one of Grace Jones’ siblings, is a renown pastor in charge of the City of Refuge church in California. Jones, like many other church leaders, once faced rumors regarding his personal life and his alleged relationship with actress LisaRaye; however, he made sure to set the record straight.

Noel Jones couldn’t be more different from his famous sister, but like Grace, he has also faced some rumors regarding his private life throughout his career.

Back in 2011, while he was getting ready to film the reality show “Preachers of L.A,” rumors started swirling around about him being in a serious romantic relationship with “Players’ Club” actress LisaRaye McCoy.

Because of LisaRaye’s reputation as a vixen, Jones’ church congregation got worried about the actress affecting their image. So, when it was reported the alleged couple was engaged, people were not happy.

However, after getting wind of the rumors, LisaRaye took to social media to slam the naysayers, explaining that she was attending Jones’ church and stating they were not dating.

But the rumors didn’t die down.

Two years later, it was Jones’ turn to put a stop to the non-sense on an interview with Morning Show at the Essence Festival.

When asked about his relationship with McCoy, Jones first derailed the question by saying:

“The whole thing is that I am very articulate. I have a little money. I’m not the ugliest man in the world. I mean, somebody would want just to be blind to feel like I don’t go out with some woman, sometimes. You follow? And I’m not gay, even though they may say.”

Then, when the interviewer wanted a more precise answer on Jones’ relationship to LisaRaye, he set the record straight saying:

“I don’t date Lisa Raye; we’re just very good friends.”

It was later, revealed, through “Preachers of L.A,” that Jones had been in a longtime relationship with a lady named Loretta.

Before that, he was married with 22 years before divorcing, and he explained that “remarriage is really a great issue from a scriptural viewpoint,” which is why he never proposed to Loretta.

Jones is also the father of three children.

McCoy, on the other hand, was briefly engaged to Anthony Bryant in 2018.

She met the man on ABC reality series, “The Proposal,” and they were the picture-perfect couple for only a few months before McCoy took to Instagram to share the news of their split saying:

“Hello everyone, yes the relationship with Anthony B is over. I feel the right decision was made when I chose Anthony from the batch of men, I was given to select from the TV show @theproposaltv. We have both come to a mutual understanding that we are not compatible enough to continue in pursuing a relationship with each other.”

LisaRaye is now single again, but she says she’s not given up on love. Not yet.
